【同义词辨析】 2019-06-17 醉酒drunk-plastered

drunk, drunken: are the plainspoken, direct, and inclusive terms: arrived at the party already ~(drunk); a ~ man stumbled out of the bar; but drunken may imply habitual excess in drinking and also applies to whatever proceeds from intoxication: a drunken brawl.   醉酒引起的斗殴,brawl斗殴打架

intoxicated: is a more formal, less derogatory term and likely to be used in legal or medical contexts: arrested for driving while ~. context上下文,语言环境words before or after other words    注意不要错写成intoxincated,以为toxin是词根就错写成intoxincated

inebriated: implies such a state of intoxication that exhilaration, noise, or undue excitement results: the ~ revelers bellowed out songs.   exhilaration兴高彩烈,很兴奋高兴implies a strong feeling of excitement and happiness,如we were exhilarated by the news听到这个消息我们都性高彩烈,如an exhilarating news让人兴奋的消息)   bellow咆哮吼叫、鼓风机,指大声深沉的喊叫to shout in a loud, deep voice,如本例吼叫歌曲

tipsy: may imply only slight drunkenness and the consequent lessening of muscular an mental control: a ~ patron began making unwelcome amorous advances.    情爱追求

tight: usually suggests obvious drunkenness: at midnight he returned, ~ as a drum.

plastered: refers to one who has become wholly incompetent through intoxication: so ~ they could not stand up.

drunk,drunken醉酒: 最通用直言不讳,drunken还表示习惯性醉酒或由醉酒引起的,intoxicated醉酒: 更正式贬义弱些,多用于法律医学领域,inebriated酒高: 喝醉到兴奋吵叫的程度,tipsy微醺: 仅表示稍微有点醉,思维和肌肉控制有所减弱,tight大醉: 表示明显的喝醉了,plastered烂醉: 指醉到完全不能思维行动

记忆方法: 1)首字母DDIITTP想成Please 2Drink 2IT干杯<==醉酒           喜剧演员Henry Youngman有一句有意思的话: "when I read about the evils of drinking---I gave up reading","在我读书时,读到喝酒这个恶魔时,就不再读下去了",不知道他是因为讨厌喝酒还是因为喜欢喝酒

         2)醉酒的意思是明显受酒精影响mean considerably and conspicuously affected by alcohol.    conspicuous明显的不可能看不到的=obvious,如the conspicuous waste of money明显的浪费钱财,conspicuous red hair/place显眼的红头发/地方)